Small Changes can make the Biggest Impacts

Learn the small levers you can pull to Leverage Your Entire Life!

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Cassandra Heller

Corporate, Mindset and Quantum Life Coach, Speaker, and Hypnotherapist

Go from Stressed Out and Burned Out to living the Life You Want - Confidently and Unapologetically by taking the reins of your Happiness

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Hi there! I'm Cassandra

I am a Transformational Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Speaker, Self-Development Addict, and Serial Researcher (among many other things!).

I help badass high achievers shift their mindset and take control of their happiness, all while showing them how to confidently live in flow and enjoy every moment doing it!

I've spent much of my life climbing the corporate ladder, struggling to figure out work/life balance, and feeling the consequences (stress, anxiety, insomnia, medical issues, etc)!

Through Coaching and hypnotherapy, I have learned the small changes we can make to have the largest impact and I want to help others do the same

Contact me to Leverage Your Life!

Contact Me
blue boat on sand near body of water during daytime

Rapid Transformational Therapy® (Hypnotherapy)

Rapid Transformational Therapy is a powerful hybrid method that gets to the root cause of why we may feel stuck. It is a method that combines the most effective techniques from NLP, CBT, hypnotherapy and psychotherapy with the ability to transform lives, powerfully and permanently. (2-3 hours) 

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1 on 1 Coaching:  Life
Transformation Package (8weeks)

Need guidance to get to your ultimate goals? Need to lower stress or feeling burned out? Not sure what is missing, but you want to find your track or purpose? Need to level up in life or in your career?
1 on 1 coaching allows for personalized attention to get you exactly where you want to be!
Includes: RTT session, Leveraged Life Program, Personalized Coaching, full support between sessions

Set up free consult call for Coaching!

Free Grounding Mediation Downloads

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Need a Speaker?

Types: Conferences, Motivational, Corporate, Team Events, Private Groups, Podcasts
Topics: Mindset, Performance Increase, Work/Life Balance, Beating Burnout, "Being happy while making the company happy", Goal Achieving, and more!

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...I literally felt like a ton of bricks was lifted off my shoulders and I was more free to be me. I am not saying this was an overnight transformation, or some Jedi Mind-Trick, there is work involved that you have to consciously make a commitment to do, but never have I been able to move forward with a process and feel this level of freedom. I am so happy I trusted Cassandra and started my journey. 

Richie M.


...After our sessions and listening to my session recording, I noticed a change in myself very early on...made me feel like a completely different person, or like the old me that I had been missing so much.... With the tools I have been given I am now eating less and healthier... I have more confidence in myself ...

Kathy F.


. We worked on my social anxiety and not feeling good enough and I must say that my change was immediate. I'm now the woman that I've always envisioned. My social anxiety is gone , I AM amazed! The recording is relaxing yet powerful, wow! I'm forever grateful. I definitely would recommend Cassandra!!!

Dania S.


If you know that you have the will to dig deep, to face the demons that lie within, and the motivation to take action, but you feel you just need some direction in making it happen, I would highly recommend contacting Cassandra Heller. She has helped me save my own life, and I will be eternally grateful for her love, compassion, guidance and even firmness during this pivotal period!

Brooke M.


The therapy was exactly what I expected - and it was nothing short of amazing... Working with Cassandra helped catapult me to a place where I can continue this journey, confidently. I truly feel enough - and during my down days, I know how to redirect and spiral upwards

Franklin D.


“Cassandra gave me the necessary tools to deal with anxiety that arises at different moments of my life. I am so grateful to have found someone who showed me that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Her comprehension and patience has made my journey so much easier to overcome”

Camila M.